High Speed Internet
Built into the computer provided but also wifi so you can connect your own machine
Copy, Print, and Fax
There will be a print room with resources for all general printing activities
Video Surveillance and Keyless entry
Secure 24 hour access to facilities and resources thru cell phone based key system
Web based scheduling calendar
Reserve a specific resource and coordinate with other for scheduling use of shared rooms
Large Signage Printer
For large signs, banners, posters, high quality images with multiple paper options
3D Printing
3D printers, cutting, scanning and printing technologies
Virtual Reality and Metaverse
Meta-Verse and 3D Virtual Reality technology features that we offer to members and member groups.
Podcast Studio
Internet radio, podcast resources, audio recording and editing studio

Private Offices
Comfortable, furnished business offices with positive environment; full and part time options available

Open Workspaces
Workspaces with multiple desks for flexible work, pricing by day, week, or month.

Conference Rooms
One medium and one small conference room with presentation equipment, and video conference capabilities coming soon.